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Photo Feb 08, 12 45 35 PM.jpg

Located at the newly constructed Temple Grandin Equine Center

This a great place to soar!

My Heroes at CSU is run out of the state of the art Temple Grandin Equine Center. For those who don't know her, Temple is a pioneer in the world of autism and autism spectrum disorders. Having herself been raised with autism she is a shining example of hope and achievement and is known the world over for her countless contributions to the field. As a longtime faculty member at CSU Temple helped with the construction and development of this facility that bears her namesake and will carry her legacy into future generations. Come and enjoy all the resources it provides and see what it has to offer you!

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Home Office:

316 S Washington Ave 

Fort Collins, CO 80521


Fort Collins Location:

Temple Grandin Equine Center at CSU

725 S Overland Trail

Fort Collins, CO 80523


Atlanta Location:

Chastain Horse Park

4371 Powers Ferry Rd NW

Atlanta, GA 30327


Tel: 678-984-7774

Fax: 888-551-6210


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